by Pika-chan
Chapter Three -
"Well this
has all been very interesting but I do not believe that I married Ash, that
Brock got Nurse Joy and I defintely don't believe you guys are from the
future." She said, looking right at Ruka and Ryer.
"It's been a
great charade but you can stop pretending to be Jesse and James kids now. How
about you go wash the dye out of your hair and leave us alone." Ruka gaped
at her. "You don't believe us?" she asked, her lower lip quivering.
"I can prove
we're from the future." Ryer said angrily, standing up to face Misty with
one fist clenched.
"Sorry, I
wouldn't believe anything you showed me." Misty said and turned away.
"Ash? Brock? Are you coming or what?"
"Sorry but I
agree with her." Ash said, getting up and carrying Pikachu with him.
"I think I must've gone nuts if I married her." Brock groaned.
"I'm afraid I don't believe you really either." Brock said.
"It's nice
to imagine I married Nurse Joy but realistically I doubt it." He got up
and began to walk off with the other two. James sat up straighter and shouted
indignantly. "Fine! Don't believe them! We believe them!"
"I knew
you'd agree Dad!" Ruka cried, throwing her arms around his chest. James
turned red. "Um...You're welcome."
Jesse said. "Misty brings up a good point. How can you prove you really
are our kids from the future?" Ryer pulled a collection of laminated
pictures out of his back pocket. "I have these pictures. Uh....lemme just
find the right ones... Me and Katie, Softball Playoffs, Ruka and the Quads
swimming, Dad buried in pile of sand, Mom in odd outfit, Evolution Mountain
Pokemon Convention..Ah ha! Here it is!" Ryer passed the picture to Jesse.
"Hey! That's
me and James!" She cried. The picture featured her and James grinning and
hugging each other. They were standing in front of a large blue building with
'Gemini Gym' printed over the door in silver letters
"Meowth took
that for you when you opened the gym." Ryer said. "You have yet to be
defeated on hometown ground. Dad's Growlie is legendary."
back!?!" James exclaimed excitedly.
"He ate the
petals off your old fiance Jessebell's Vileplume and then ran away from home."
Ruka laughed. "He found you and he's been battling with Arbok, Wheezing
and Likitung at the gym since."
"Yay! I get
my Growlie back!" James cheered.
"I don't
know why you didn't bring it with you when you left home the second time."
Jesse grumbled.
"He's too
used to civilized life. He wouldn't like tromping around in the woods with
us." James stated.
"You know
this is kinda boring sitting here talking. Wanna do something?" Ruka
"I have an
idea!" James said.
Chapter Four -
Balloon Ride
Ruka grinned. "You stopped using it when Dad punched a hole in the floor
trying to step on a bug." Jesse laughed.
"This is a
really terrific view." Ryer breathed leaning out of the basket.
"Oh isn't
it?" Mew agreed seating herself next to him.
"I never
liked it much." Meowth stated. "It's all the same. Fields, fields,
cities!" Ruka cried. "Check it out! It's Satrudo!" All the
Rockets rushed to the side of the balloon basket.
"Wow! Is
that ever beautiful!" Jesse exclaimed.
"Look at all
the water!" James said.
Ruka and Ryer wailed and began crying unconrtolably.
"You really
miss your home don't you?" Jesse said, turning to the sobbing teenagers.
Ruka and Ryer
both nodded and sniffed deeply. "It's great being here, and no offense,
but we really do need to find a way to get home." Ruka said. Jesse and
James nodded at each other. "We do need to send you back to the future.
You belong there."
Ryer began crying
again. With and instinct she couldn't explain Jesse pulled him into a hug and
stroked his back till he calmed down. "We'll get you back. Don't
worry." she crooned.
Meowth called out
from the controls. "Guys. We need to touch down. The balloon's running out
a fuel."
"Come on.
Let's look around Satrudo a bit before you have to go." James pleaded.
Ruka sighed.
"Okay Dad."
Chapter Five -
"It's got
the coolest game." Ruka said.
yeah!" Ryer grinned.
Ninja." Ruka said.
"Radiers of
the Doom Shrine." Ryer said. They both looked at each other and glared,
about to argue over which was cooler, when a voice interrupted them.
me?" The four humans and two pokemon looked up to see a young woman
standing across the road from them. She wore purple jeans, a baseball cap and a
T-shirt with a purple denim vest.
"I'm Mora.
Looks like you have some Pokemon there." she said, grinding a stone under
one sneakered toe. "What are the chances you'd like to battle?"
"I'd love
to." Ruka said. "Me too. If you'd mind double teaming."
"Sure. Yo!
Jusso!". A boy much older than Ryer clamped his hand down on his shoulder.
He gave a deep grunting laugh from underneath the baseball cap perched on his
thick head. "Hey." he said.
"This is my
big bro Jusso." The girl smirked. "You can battle with him."
Ryer took a battle stance a few feet from Jusso. "Fine." Ruka took
her place back to back with her brother. "Fine." Jesse and James
retreated to the side of the court with Meowth.
gonna get mashed." James whispered nervously.
"Now James.
We don't know that." Jesse consolled, but clung to him tightly.
choose......Vulpix!" shouted Mora. A Vulpix appeared between her and Ruka.
Ruka cried. "Come battle.." she raised her pokeball into the air
spinning on her toe and flinging the pokeball. "Squirtle!" Squirtle
appeared in stand off position facing Vulpix.
Flame spinneret!" The little Pokemon threw a blast of fire at Squirtle.
Ruka called. "Agility/Water Spout!" Squirtle jumped deftly away from
the spirals of fire from Vulpix and threw a blast of water right down it's
throat. Vulpix coughed and staggered back.
Ryhorn!" Jusso called. Ryer laughed defiantly as the Pokemon appeared.
"Ekans go!" he called. The two pokemon took stand-off position.
Charge!" Jusso commanded.
As the Ryhorn
came thundering toward him Ekans released a blast of acid from it's mouth. The
larger pokemon stopped and flopped onto his bottom, looking cross eyed at it's
melted horn. The creature's eyes welled up with tears. And it began to scream.
Tears poured from it's eyes like waterfalls.
it thundered.
"Don't cry
Ryhorn, it's okay." Jusso stuttered, calling his Pokemon back.
Jesse and James
jumped on the sidelines. "They won!" Jesse cheered.
Our kids aren't faliures like us!" James shouted happily.
Mora cried, she glared at Ruka. "I...I want a rematch!" she shouted,
"Okay, you
choose second." Ruka said and called up her Raichu.
Mora sat frozen for a moment next to her. "I meant another time." she
mumbled. "Vulpix is too weak."
"You only
have one Pokemon?" Ruka asked. Mora nodded. Jusso did too. "One each
that's all." he rummbled.
"And I'm
afraid we don't have any badges to trade you for winning, either."
"Well that's
okay you can consider it a training session." Ruka said waving her hand
and calling back her Raichu. "Everyone needs practice." Mora smiled
at her a bit. "Thanks. Hey, what's wrong with your Squirtle!" Ruka
spun to see Squirtle behind her glowing a bright white. As the light engulfed
his body his form changed.
evolving!" Ruka cried with glee. As the Wartortle appeared in front of her
Jesse and James came out from the side of the road. "Wow!" James
exclaimed. "That's amazing!"
the little monster cried, jumping into Ruka's arms.
Squirt!" She smiled. "I knew you'd elvolve sooner or later!" She
hugged her pokemon to her chest. "Yea! I've got a Wartortle!"